Boudoir Basics
What is Boudoir Photography?
So you’ve heard about boudoir photography but what is it really: what’s it about and who is it for? In a nutshell, boudoir photography is about making you feel good about yourself. It’s a personal photography session aimed at getting the most flattering pictures of you at your most sensual, cheekiest, or even at your naughtiest. You can choose to have a traditional shoot or you can theme it if you like. You can make it vintage, retro, gothic, pin up etc. I will guide you through how to make the most of your body type and work closely with you so that you get a beautful collection of images that you can cherish. You will end up with a stunning set of personal photographs in a classic boudoir style. A mixture of black & white and colour photography to show you at your most beautiful.
Sexiness is about potential, and what is unseen, it really isn’t about nudity. What is left to the imagination is a very powerful thing and your session will explore your personal energy and power. All shoots will start with you being dressed, and as the session continues, if you like, you can take off a few layers. If you’re comfortable with doing implied nude or even actual nude that’s totally fine, but you need to be comfortable throughout the whole shoot. After all, this is supposed to be fun!
“I Really Want A Boudoir Session, But I’m Kinda Terrified”
I get it, I do. You’ve seen all these pictures of sexy young things and you want that too, but that means being vulnerable in front of a stranger; can you be that brave, and will your pictures really look that good? In a word: yes. But let me address some of your concerns:
I don’t look like the girls in the magazines? Even the girls in the magazines don’t look like that! That aside, you’re beautiful and you should relish what you have. Your size, shape, scars, all these things are testament to the life you’ve lived and do not detract from your beauty. Embrace your self and your sensuality. Celebrate who you are.
But I don’t know what I’m doing in front of the camera? Don’t worry about it, I’ll be there to help you all the way through. You’ll feel safe and sexy and the pictures will prove it. I’ll show you what to do and I promise that no bad photos will end up in your final collection.
Will you Photoshop me? Every picture will be tweaked to perfection and if you have a pimple or a bruise on the day of your shoot it won’t find its way into your final edits. Small elements of retouching will be done, but you won’t look like you’ve been photoshopped.
Will you be taking all the photos? All sessions will be done by me personally - no one else. It’ll be you and me and the camera (and a couple of lights). I have a lot of experience with photography and boudoir. I’m a woman, I’m friendly, professional and I want you to enjoy the whole experience.
The Experience
The shoot is all about you. It’s about creating stunning photographs that you will love and the only way that will happen is if you’re comfortable and happy during the shoot itself. I won’t get carried away and start throwing feather boas at you, or ask you to pose in a way that you feel uncomfortable. The session will flow, you’ll have fun, and you’re going to end up with some fabulous shots. Trust me, I have done this a few times. I tailor the shoot entirely around you and if you only want to do dark sensual boudoir or pin up that is exactly what we will do; there are lots of wonderful ways to ensure you get exactly what you are looking for. The easiest way to make sure we’re on the same page style wise is for you to create a mood board, and I will guide you through that as well. For the day I encourage you to bring a selection of your favourite lingerie and personal items that make you feel your best. You can bring robes, corsets, heels, whatever you want. You can bring some of your favourite music to play to get you in the mood too.
The Location
I have a room in my home that has been styled for the purpose of creating beautiful boudoir images. A large antique bed, an elegantly carved Victorian sofa: opulent yet simple, with plenty of natural light. However, the shoot is about you, and if you want to use your own home for the shoot that’s no problem at all. I’m based in NE17 and happy to take a drive. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Details, details…
I want you to finish the session feeling on top of the world, and having created photographs that you will cherish forever. I believe in taking time with all of my clients to ensure that the shoot and the resulting images are positively stunning every single time. To do this I only take a limited number of bookings per week. I like to keep my business small, personal, and friendly. So please bear with me if I can’t see you straight away, it really will be worth the wait.
After the Shoot
After the shoot I want you to feel amazing, empowered, and... well... happy! But after that buzz has died down, then what happens? I take all your photographs and select the best images, and retouch them all using a combination of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. It takes a little while to get everything perfect, but when they’re ready all the images will be uploaded into a personal online proofing gallery for you. Within the gallery you can select the pictures you want as part of your pre-paid package, and even choose extras.
Booking A Session
If you would like to book a personal boudoir session all you need to do is get in touch. Please can you let me know your availability, deadline (if there is one), and any other information you think may be helpful. You can use the online enquiry form or email me directly.