Hotel Du Vin Wedding Photography – Sarah & Jessica

Hotel Du Vin Wedding Photography

Sarah and Jessica got married at the Hotel Du Vin in Newcastle. When I first saw the venue I was a little worried about how small the ceremony room was, but it fitted all the guests and it was lovely and cosy.

I am particularly a fan of Sarah & Jessie’s choice in wedding dresses. Both were elegant. Both were different from each other. And both looked incredible. I love non-traditional wedding dresses; although my partner tells me I’m not allowed to wear a suit to my own. But I may well steal the golden leaf headband idea from Sarah, because that is a superlative look.

Wedding Ceremony Photography At Hotel Du Vin

My nerves around the size of the ceremony room were perhaps not completely unfounded. The bridesmaids were very close together through the ceremony and I was tight in next to them. The ceremony itself was beautiful though, and being that close gave me some wonderful portraits of everyone.

After the ceremony we went outside for some photographs, before a short drinks reception, and then the speeches. Having the speeches before the meal is always a good idea. For one, it means the photographs will show your beautiful place settings. Not a dirty plate or half drunk pint of beer in sight! More importantly, it means the speech givers will be able to enjoy their meal without worrying about what comes next. See, it’s all to the good!

At this juncture I need to point out the Sarah & Jessie’s cake is one of the most epic creations I have ever seen. Topped with handmade pugs (after their pet pug Butters), that much chocolate on a cake should be illegal! But seriously though, what a cake!

Sarah and Jessie’s first dance was to Under the Blacklight’ by Rilo Kiley, which worked unbelievably well. The whole day was one of joy and laughter – just as it should be. Apart from when the flower girl wanted to put her dress on way before it was time. Three year olds don’t realise the reputation they have for not staying clean!


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